Bremen University of the Arts, Speicher XI

andreasschneiderarchitekten-Fassadensanierung Hochschule für Künste Speicher XI Bremen

The four-storey, 419 metre-long former warehouse building was built between 1908 and 1912 as a cotton storage building. Its brickwork façade is divided by staircases that project beyond the eaves line and by additional loading balconies. Today, half of Speicher XI is used by the Bremen University of the Arts.

  • Planning and execution
  • Scope of work
    LP 1-9
  • Construction costs
    1.5 Mio. €
  • Architects
    andreas schneider architekten, in a consortium with H.G. Maaßen, B. Oltmanns, Architekten-Partnerschaft mbB
  • Contract awarded by
    Bremen University of the Arts